
Stanton Healthcare: Detroit

The city of Detroit sees one abortion for every 3 births, and over 40% of all Michigan abortions are performed on residents of Detroit.  

Stanton Detroit’s life-affirming medical clinic is opening soon on 8 Mile Road in Detroit, directly across the street from an abortion provider. The clinic will provide critical pregnancy tests, ultrasound, Abortion Pill Reversal, and ongoing care for abortion-vulnerable clients. 

Many households in Detroit have multiple adults, but none of them have a car or even a drivers license. The city continues to cut back on public transportation, like bus routes, leaving these household to find their own way around a city that spans 142.9 square miles with gaps of abandoned buildings and homes scattered throughout.

Stanton’s philosophy is that “women deserve ACCESS to quality healthcare,” and Stanton Detroit currently offers a free shuttle service toward that end. We are partnering with other local pregnancy centers, doctors offices, and adoption agencies to offer transportation to abortion-vulnerable women and families in need. 

Partner With Stanton Detroit

We are always in need of volunteer drivers as well as donations of goods for our moms and babies! Contact us to arrange pickup of donations or to volunteer as one of our shuttle drivers.

We look forward to the launch of our life-affirming women’s medical clinic in the city of Detroit. Thank you for your continued prayers and support! God bless you and your family.

Your Impact!

We need ongoing financial and practical support to keep this ministry flourishing!

If you are not already contributing monthly, we would ask you to consider setting up a monthly gift of $25, $50, or $100.  

  • For $25 a month, you will be helping 3 abortion-vulnerable women get to important prenatal appointments.
  • For $50 a month, you would help us set up pop-up boutiques to hand out maternity and baby clothes, diapers, wipes, and more!
  • And for $100 a month, you will help us cover the cost of insurance and maintenance on our shuttle to continue bringing this life-saving service to women throughout the Detroit area.