About Stanton

The Stanton Story
Born in 1815, Elizabeth Cady Stanton dedicated her life to pioneering the American women’s movement for suffrage and equality. Her upbringing brought her into contact with many fugitive slaves, and she later married abolitionist Henry Stanton.
In 1840, she traveled to London with her husband, who served as a delegate to the World Anti-Slavery Convention. There, Stanton met Lucretia Mott, a Quaker reformer. Like all women, Mott and Stanton were barred from participating in the convention with the men. After some brainstorming, the women decided to form a convention of their own, this one championing the cause of women’s rights. In 1848, their dream culminated in the Seneca Falls Convention, which united the nation’s women’s rights leaders in the push for women’s suffrage.
To the women at Seneca Falls, denying women the vote was not the only oppressive tool; ending a pregnancy was another (this was before abortion was even legal). In an 1872 letter to Julia Ward Howe, Stanton was quick to note a remarkable double standard: “When we consider that women have been treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to dispose of as we see fit.”
Stanton was not alone. Her contemporaries, as well as numerous “second wave” feminists, have refused to force women to choose between sacrificing their welfare or sacrificing their own offspring.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton spoke staunchly against the abuse of women, children, and African-Americans. She opposed exploitation in all of its brutal forms. Her vision lives on at Stanton International, where we continue the Seneca Falls tradition of equality, justice, and compassion.
“When we consider that women have been treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to dispose of as we see fit.”
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1873.

The Stanton Vision
We believe in the fundamental truth that human rights begin in the womb. Every woman has an inherent right to embrace motherhood regardless of income, race, ethnicity, or place of residence.
We believe in practical, caring solutions which uphold the dignity of both mother and child. We provide life-affirming options to abortion-vulnerable women and provide hope to those struggling from the pain of a past abortion.
We believe sexual and reproductive integrity is vital to the health of each individual, every family, and by extension, society as a whole.
We believe people of goodwill should link arms to stand for justice and equality, speaking the truth boldly in the public square. Our voices together will shape public policy and cultural values for life.
Stanton International seeks to replace abortion businesses around the world because we believe that women and their families are entitled to quality, coercion-free care, and compassionate alternatives to abortion. Together, we will end abortion violence.
The Stanton Revolution

2006 - 2011
- Brandi Swindell launched Stanton International in 2006. For over 15 years, Stanton Healthcare has offered pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, client advocacy, and other life-affirming programs to women considering abortion in Boise, Idaho. All services are provided at no charge.
- In 2011, Stanton opened a medical pregnancy clinic located next door to Planned Parenthood in Boise. Read more about Stanton’s Boise Wellness Center.

2011 - 2014
- A new Stanton Healthcare clinic was opened in 2011 - Stanton Healthcare of Southern California.
- In 2013, the first Stanton Mobile hit the road, serving rural and immigrant communities around Idaho.
- Stanton International was officially introduced in 2014 with the opening of Stanton Healthcare in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

2014 - 2019
- The Stanton Public Policy Center, based in Washington, D.C., was launched in 2018. This women's advocacy and educational group works on issues of human rights and justice that empower and inspire women.
- Also in 2018, Stanton Detroit, our first affiliate in the Motor City, began offering services to vulnerable women and their children.
- In 2019, Stanton International opened Stanton Healthcare of Meridian, located directly across the parking lot from Planned Parenthood's mega-abortion facility in Meridian, Idaho, and the new location serves as the organization's flagship clinic and training center.

2020 - Now
- 2020 marked the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, finally guaranteeing women the right to vote. In honor of the suffragists’ fight for equality, Stanton Public Policy Center launched Purple Sash Revolution, a project dedicated to the ideal of equal rights for the preborn.
- The international arm of Stanton Healthcare was expanded with the launch of Stanton Healthcare East of Scotland, based in Edinburgh, in 2021.
- Today, the name Stanton International is synonymous with a revolutionary strategy to build a culture of life through public advocacy and direct competition with abortion businesses worldwide. Join the Stanton Revolution!
The Stanton Executive Team

Brandi Swindell
CEO and Founder
Brandi Swindell is the Founder and CEO of Stanton Healthcare. She is a powerful and well-known advocate for human rights, equality, and justice, both in America and across the globe.
Whether traveling to Tiananmen Square during the Beijing Olympics to lead public demonstrations for students killed during the 1989 Massacre (and also speaking out for religious freedom and calling for an end to forced abortion) or organizing events to secure the freedom of kidnapped Nigerian girls, Brandi has been a passionate voice for building a worldwide Culture of Life.
As a woman from the post-Roe generation, she carries a particularly important and relevant message. She represents the new face of the pro-life movement as a fearless, articulate, revolutionary, and passionate female leader.
In 1999, Brandi co-founded Generation Life to mobilize the post-Roe generation. Generation Life is a grassroots movement of activists, students, artists, musicians, young adults, and professionals committed to ending abortion and spreading the message of sexual integrity.
In 2006, Brandi launched the first Stanton Healthcare clinic in Meridian, Idaho. From a small room in a doctor’s office to an international presence, Brandi led Stanton to the forefront of life-affirming women’s healthcare in less than 10 years.
Brandi is an internationally known speaker and is frequently requested for media interviews. The work and public ministry of Brandi has been featured on: The BBC, The O’Reilly Factor, The New York Times, CNN, C-SPAN, The Washington Post, Boston Globe, Newsweek, Los Angeles Times, TIME Magazine, MSNBC, Scarborough Country, Fox and Friends, The Associated Press, and NPR.
Brandi has also been featured in “Portraits of Idaho” (an annual publication of the Idaho Press-Tribune), selected as one of “Idaho’s Top Ten Movers and Shakers” in THRIVE Magazine, and named “A Rising Star in the Pro-Life Movement” by the Idaho Statesman.
To invite Brandi to speak at your event, please contact us.

Rev. Patrick Mahoney
Chief Strategy Officer
The director of the Christian Defense Coalition and a nationally and internationally known social, political and human rights activist, and an ordained minister in the Reformed Presbyterian Church. Rev. Mahoney works in Washington, DC and resides in Fredericksburg, Virginia, with his wife Katie. They have three grown, married daughters: Tara, Kaitlin, and Dillon along with nine grandchildren and growing!
For over 40 years Rev. Mahoney has been an outspoken advocate for the struggling and oppressed in our society. He has traveled across America and around the world, speaking out with deep passion and conviction on broad issues of social justice. Rev. Mahoney is known as a champion of religious freedom, human rights, free speech and civil rights throughout the world.
Rev. Mahoney is perhaps best known for his global work protecting human rights and justice for all as a leader in the pro-life movement. Over the past four decades, he has been an outspoken prophetic voice for ending the violence of abortion and ensuring equality for all. His work has included sponsoring the first ever voter initiative in America, premiering the showing of “Silent Scream” on his local Connecticut talk show, and standing for human rights in Hong Kong and Tiananmen Square.
His work has been featured in the national media through such publications as Newsweek, Time Magazine, The New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, & U.S. News and World Report. Reverend Mahoney has been seen on O’Riley Factor, Good Morning America, The Today Show, Meet the Press, Oprah, ABC Hannity, Fox and Friends, Fox News, the BBC, CBS News, NBC News, CNN, 48 Hours, 60 Minutes, 20/20 and the 700 Club.

Danielle Versluys
Chief Operating Officer
Danielle Versluys is COO of Stanton International and President of Stanton Healthcare of Southern California. Growing up as the daughter of a national leader in the pro-life movement, Danielle participated with her family in ministry from a young age. She was actively, unashamedly pro-life throughout high school and university, leading by example through regular sidewalk counseling and on-campus activism, and continues to serve as a teacher and mentor to youth. Danielle is passionate about raising up the next generation of leaders to stand for life in every area of society, including her own teenagers.
From political activism to public relations, Danielle has extensive experience in the organization and leadership of pro-life activities. She has a heart for the global church and the pro-life movement abroad, having served in Japan, China, Ireland, Australia, Mexico and around the United States. She studied in Italy and has traveled extensively, contributing to her awareness of the joys and challenges that are found in cross-cultural ministry.
In 2011, Danielle founded the first Stanton Healthcare affiliate - Stanton SoCal. Based in Victorville, Stanton SoCal’s Mobile Clinic stands in hope-filled contrast to Planned Parenthood and provides critical care to abortion-vulnerable women.
Danielle is married to Eric, a mechanical engineer and former U.S. Marine, and together they are raising seven children in a small town in Southern California. They serve on the vestry of their Anglican parish, and are gratefully raising their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Danielle and Eric are vocal proponents of foster parenting and thankful for the blessing of their second son through adoption. Their children, five girls and two boys, are well-socialized homeschoolers. The entire Versluys family is committed to furthering the Stanton Revolution in their hometown and around the world.