Stanton Featured at National Review
From the article Here’s How Pro-Lifers Can Prove They Aren’t Merely ‘Pro-Birth’:
Fortunately, one woman in Boise, Idaho, Brandi Swindell, has changed the way many women in her area receive gynecological health care, blazing the trail toward making Planned Parenthood obsolete. Her health-care organization, Stanton Healthcare, is model of how pro-life conservatives can create positive change in a community by providing women with a viable alternative to seeking prenatal care at an organization that financially profits from pregnancy termination. It provides nearly all of the services that Planned Parenthood offers, and some that it doesn’t. Patients are offered ultrasound, pregnancy confirmation, uterine and ovarian diagnostics, sexually-transmitted-disease and infection testing and treatment, prenatal care and postnatal follow-up, and occasional mammography in a clean facility with skilled practitioners — a far cry from the situation at many Planned Parenthood locations.
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